Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Let someone else do the linking

like, for instance, Google Toolbar. It's autolink feature claims that ISBN numbers refer to Amazon, and even BoingBoing applauds: " a beloved butler...". Reminds me of the weird 1986 cult movie "Link", where an OrangUtan serving as butler gets evil. Very Good. Let THEM do the linking, let others do the thinking. And let ME do your eating.
More explicitely: it helps THEM establishing the ASIN. The one for Link (the movie, not the hyperlink), is B00005KHJN . And the link (the hyperlink, not the movie) is . Guess what the "A" in ASIN stands for? Right (check the AMZN current share price to find out why this is a good idea). And guess what the "I" in ISBN stands for? "International". Public property. A stupid idea from old Europe.


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